Hawthorne Birthplace, Autumn in Salem, Massachusetts

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Hawthorne Birthplace in Salem, Massachusetts. Handcrafted in 3/4" thick wood by The Cat's Meow Village in Wooster, Ohio.


This house is special due to the event that occurred on July 4, 1804. Nathaniel Hawthorne, the famed American novelist, was born here on that day to Elizabeth Clarke Manning and Nathaniel Hathorne (the "w" was not yet added to the family name).

 In 1853, Hawthorne wrote of his birthplace in the National Review: "I was born in the town of Salem, Massachusetts, in a house built by my grandfather, who was a maritime personage. The old household estate was in another part of the town, and had descneded in the family ever since the settlement of the country; but this old man of the sea exchanged it for a lot of land situated near the wharves, and convenient to his business, where he built the house... and laid out a garden, where I rolled on a grass-plot under an apple-tree and picked abundant currants." 

Look for Casper, our black cat mascot, enjoying the warm autumn sun among the pumpkins! He's the sign of an authentic Cat's Meow.

Handcrafted in our small workshop in Wooster, Ohio, this replica is made from 3/4" thick wood with colorful details on the front and a little description on the back.