Bedford Falls Train Station-It's A Wonderful Life

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Bedford Falls Train Station handcrafted in wood by The Cat's Meow Village is themed after the movie It's A Wonderful Life

7.25x2.75 though it's a small part in It's A Wonderful Life, the Bedford Falls Train Station plays a huge role in George Bailey's life. The station means escape from Bedford Falls to a life of travel, as George had dreamed of "anchor chains, plane motors, and train whistles". Instead, his brother, Harry takes the train off to college, and returns with his new bride, Ruth Dakin Bailey, only to leave again to work for Ruth's father.

This black&white Cat’s Meow keepsake is inspired by the movie “It’s A Wonderful Life”. We’ve created it for you from 3/4” thick wood in shades of white, gray and black (with a little glitter here and there) reflecting the black&white format of the beloved holiday movie. Add this piece with the other pieces in the collection to create your own Wonderful Life village. Set them on a shelf, mantel, under the tree, or on wainscoting, door/window trim. 

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