Handmade in the USA, this ¾” thick wooden replica of the State Police Troop C is sure to bring a sense of delight and a feeling of nostalgia to your home. Look for Casper, our trademark black cat, anxiously waiting by the front door. Casper is the sign of an authentic Cat’s Meow!
This building design was inspired from a building in Stafford, Connecticut.
Look for our trademark black cat, Casper, on every Cat’s Meow. Handcrafted in our Wooster, Ohio workshop.
There are a limited number of this piece available, which is reflected in the price. With your purchase of this building, Faline will donate 10% to Amani Ya Juu, a fair-trade sewing and training program for marginalized women throughout Africa. Visit their website: www.amaniafrica.org (no wholesale orders)