Remember that BIG moose that crossed your path? Don't let that experience get lost! Our Brake For Moose sign will keep that memory alive!
Brake for Moose is a common road sign in northern New England, especially New Hampshire and Maine.
Did you know the average moose weighs 1,000 lbs? Moose are hard to see at night. They are 6 feet tall at the shoulder and your headlights will often only show their legs. Their height also means that if you hit one, most of a moose will fall on your windshield and roof.
From April to November, moose are very active and the highest numbers of moose-vehicle collisions occur.
We handcraft this sign from 3/4" thick wood with colorful details on the front and a short story on the back.
You can tuck it into a bookcase, shelf, desktop, windowsill, or anywhere you will catch a glimpse of it on a daily basis.
Look for Casper, our black cat mascot, posing on the yellow sign...he's not afraid of any big moose!
Made in our small workshop in Wooster, Ohio...where, luckily, there aren't any wild roaming moose!