Ellis Island New York Harbor, New York Ellis Island had its humble beginning as a 3.5 acre sandbar; it grew to its present day 27.5 acres with the rock and soil that was excavated from the building of New York City's subway system. This special place in New York Harbor became America's turnstile - a gateway to economic opportunity as well as freedom of religion or speech for the 12 million that passed through its doors. During its peak, an average of 5,000 persons per day were processed; a record day in 1907 witnessed 11,747 people processed, an average of one every two minutes. Forty percent of Americans can trace their ancestry to someone who immigrated via these hallowed halls.
For more great information on this uniquely American historical site see www.ellisisland.com.
This ¾" thick wooden replica of Ellis Island is handcrafted in the U.S. to reflect its historical features. It can set neatly on a shelf, wainscoting, or window/door trim to remind you of a special place you've visited or dream of visiting someday. A short description is written on the back. Look for Casper, our trademark black cat, taking up residence within the design. This is the sign of an authentic Cat’s Meow!