This ¾" thick wooden replica of Leppert's 5 cent & 10 cent Store is handcrafted in the U.S. to reflect its historical features. You can set it neatly on a shelf, wainscoting, or window/door trim to remind you of a special place you've visited or dream of visiting someday. A short description is written on the back. Look for Casper, our trademark black cat, taking up residence within the design. On this particular piece, Casper is hiding on the back! Casper is the sign of an authentic Cat’s Meow!
From Millersburg, Pennsylvania comes Leppert's 5 cent & 10 cent store. It was built in 1909 as a plumbing and tinsmith shop but by 1920 it became a variety store. Leppert's become proprietors in 1962 and still to this day you can select candy from big glass jars as you stand on the original wood floor.
Look for our trademark black cat, Casper, on every Cat’s Meow. Handcrafted in our Wooster, Ohio workshop.
There are a limited number of this piece available, which is reflected in the price. With your purchase of this building, Faline will donate 10% to Amani Ya Juu, a fair-trade sewing and training program for marginalized women throughout Africa. Visit their website: (no wholesale orders)