Handmade in the USA, this ¾” thick wooden keepsake of the Dresden Plate Quilt Barn is sure to bring a sense of delight and a feeling of nostalgia to your home. You can set it neatly on a shelf, wainscoting, or window/door trim. Look for Casper, our trademark black cat, soaking up some sun in the window. Casper is the sign of an authentic Cat’s Meow!
The Dresden Plate quilt pattern gives quilters the opportunity to use their scraps to create this wonderful round pattern shape. It is created in every color combination, from monotone to a lively splash of colors. Coming from the 1920-30 era, this pattern was most likely named after the beautifully decorated tableware crafted in Dresden, Germany. But what really counts is the many years of warmth it provides to the recipient.
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