In the mid-1640s skilled workers came from England to make iron in New England. They made cast-iron pots of all sizes, skillets, and firebacks. They also made bars of wrought iron that would be hammered by blacksmiths into tools and hardware.
The facility was powered by seven large waterwheels, some of which were rigged to work in tandem with huge wooden gears connecting them. There was a wharf to load the iron onto ocean-going vessels, as well as a large, restored 17th-century house.
Bankruptcy in the early 1650s spread the ironworkers throughout the northeast and helped to establish an American iron and steel industry.
In 1968, the Saugus Iron Works was added to the National Park Service system and renamed the Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site.
This ¾" thick wooden replica is handcrafted in the U.S. to reflect its historical features. It can sit neatly on a shelf, wainscoting, or window/door trim to remind you of a special place you've visited or dream of visiting someday. A short description is written on the back. Look for Casper, our mascot black cat, taking up residence within the design. This is the sign of an authentic Cat’s Meow!