The Old Harbor Inn, originally built in 1932-33, started out as the residence and practice site of Dr. and Mrs. (Harriet) Carroll Keene. It remained a private home until the mid-80s when Harriet died and the estate was sold. Designed in English Country-style decor, it offers hundreds of daffodils, snow caps, roses and hydrangea orginally planted by Mrs. Keene. A comfortable and casually elegant atmosphere has been created, where you are within walking distance of all the delights the village of Chatham on Cape Cod has to offer.
This ¾" thick wooden replica is handcrafted in the U.S. with colorful details. It can set neatly on a shelf, wainscoting, or window/door trim to remind you of a special place you've visited or dream of visiting someday. A short description is written on the back. Look for Casper, our mascot black cat, taking up residence within the design. This is the sign of an authentic Cat’s Meow!