Built in 1907 the Isle Au Haut Lighthouse was the last lighthouse station to be built in Maine. Its intended purpose was specifically to guide New England ground fishing fleets into safe harbor during northeast storms. As the most modern of the sixty lighthouses along the Maine coast it featured a behemoth 42-inch fog bell hanging over the water.
The lighthouse tower was built slightly offshore, standing 40 feet tall. The keeper's quarters are a two-and-a-half-story frame and stucco Victorian house connected to the tower by a catwalk. In 1986 the keeper's house was sold and converted into an inn. Today it still serves as a registered aid to navigation.
This replica keepsake is hand-crafted from ¾” thick wood in our workshop in Wooster, Ohio. It has a detailed front design and a description on the back. You can set it neatly on a shelf, desk or narrow ledge such as window, door trim, or wainscoting. Group it with other Cat’s Meow lighthouses to create your own memory of the special places you have visited. Look for Casper, our black cat mascot, taking up residence within the design. This is a sign of an authenitc Cat's Meow!