100% True! Bison can run up to 35 miles per hour! They may look as friendly as your cat or dog, but up close and personal they are not and may well head-butt you.
if you’re headed into buffalo country, do yourself and the bison a favor. Don’t pet them. Better yet, stay at least 25 yards away from the largest mammal in North America!
“Remember to keep your distance, and enjoy your experience watching wildlife,” the National Park Service advises. “No touching, no feeding, no harassing.”
Look closely, and you'll find Casper, our black cat mascot, peeking out from the grass! He's not kitten around! DO NOT PET THE FLUFFY COWS!
Handcrafted by our small workshop crew in Wooster, Ohio, this keepsake is from 3/4" thick wood with colorful details on the front and a little description on the back.