Brooklyn Bridge, Brooklyn, NY

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Brooklyn Bridge, Brooklyn, NY. Handcrafted in the USA by Cat's Meow Village.

3 7/8 x7 1/2
New York

Sold out at the meowment. Will restock after Oct 10th. Come back to order then.

When you think of New York, what Iconic landmarks come to mind?  (No not food... even though a Pastrami and a slice of pizza sounds amazing right now.) Do you think... Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building...Ellis Island?  What about the Brooklyn Bridge? 

This beauty is now captured in a Cat's Meow Replica.  When we look at the Brooklyn Bridge today, we might think about transportation or gateways to a new village (get it... Cat's Meow Village). The great thing about the Brooklyn Bridge is not the structure, but the story of the men and woman who built it for our use today. Did you know the Roebling family designed and build this marvelous structure through multiple generations and injuries?   Today as a National Landmark and National Historical Civil Engineering Landmark its hard to find a person who hasn't heard of the Brooklyn Bridge. 

Did you find Casper yet? He's the one that makes this an authentic Cat's Meow.