Add a handcrafted replica of "America's Oldest House" to your home decor. We craft it from 3/4" thick wood with colorful architectural details on the front and this description on the back:
Welcome to the house that John Pickering, a carpenter from Coventry, England, built in 1660 and where ten subsequent generations of Pickerings have lived. The house has been home to a world-renown linguist, a shipwright, politicians, bankers, farmers, tradesmen, lawyers, a poet, two astronomers and, most importantly, home to Colonel Timothy Pickering, one of this country's greatest patriots.
This museum home is part of the Chesnut Street District. Please stop to visit Salem's Oldest House when you are in the area.
Our replica will sit neatly on your mantle, shelf, window ledge, or the molding above your door or window. Casper, our trademark black cat, is lounging in the sun on the ornate fence in front of the house.