The first time Lynda and her fiance, Bill, visited his parents home, Sally, his mother, showed-off and talked about how much she loved her Cat's Meow Village collection.
Christmastime was around the corner and Lynda thought it would be nice to surprise Sally with another Cat's Meow to add to her beloved collection.
When Lynda went to shop at the website, she saw that Cat's Meow offers to design your own home. "Sally and Bill designed and built their home and love it," Lynda said, "so we knew it would be super special to have their home as a wooden Cat's Meow keepsake."
Lynda gathered a few photos of the home and planned out what she wanted to have inscribed on the back.
She placed her order in early November to receive Sally and Bill's Cat's Meow handcrafted wood replica in time for Christmas.
Lynda shares, "She [Sally] was so excited and surprised when she saw it!
We are so happy she loved it so much. It was a great gift and a great Christmas."
Photo supplied by Lynda to Cat's Meow for designing Sally and Bill's home.
The finished Cat's Meow keepsake of the front of Sally and Bill's home.
The back of the Cat's Meow with Lynda and Bill's personal sentiments.
If you're looking for that perfect, unique gift for someone in your life, consider doing what Lynda did.
It's easy to order and very personal. Think about all the family interactions that happen within a home and you can see how that simple home is truly the foundation of the family.
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Submitted by: Linda Lerakis on Sat, 06/09/2018 - 10:50pm
Submitted by: Cat's Meow on Thu, 09/06/2018 - 8:06pm
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